OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
OPC UA Directory Certificate Stores
Common Fundamentals > Security > OPC UA Client-Server Security > OPC UA Certificate Stores > OPC UA Directory Certificate Stores
In This Topic

Structure of the Directory Certificate Store

As described in OPC UA Certificate Stores, directory certificate stores reside in a file system. In many cases, their structure can remain an opaque implementation detail to you. Knowing the structure comes handy if you need to deal with them externally or manually.

There are no files at the "root" of the directory certificate store, only sub-directories, and they are:

If the certificate store contains a certificate with a private key, it will therefore be present in both "certs" and "private" subdirectories, each time in a different format.

The file name of each certificate comprises of the certificate common name (from its subject), followed by a space, and the certificate thumbprint in square brackets, e.g. "My Application [71511464F08D30AF9F9B2BC21CDB78D49BE568B8]". Special characters (like < > : " / \ | ? *) that cannot appear in file names are stripped off from the common name.

OPC Foundation has a UA Configuration Tool which can be used to manage the certificates related to OPC UA on Windows machines (both in the directory certificate stores, and in Windows certificate stores). OPC Studio includes this tool in the Bonus Material part of its full installation for Windows. You can access the UA Configuration Tool from the Start menu (under OPC Studio program group), or using the OPC Studio Launcher application.

Syntax of Directory Certificate Store Path

In its simplest form, the directory certificate store path is an absolute path to the directory that holds the store, e.g. "C:\ProgramData\OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\MachineDefault". Since absolute paths are not flexible enough and may fail to work when the application is transferred to a computer with different configuration, OPC Studio allows you to include replaceable tokens in the directory certificate store path. A token is enclosed in percentage sign characters, e.g. %CommonApplicationData%. For the token to be recognized, the directory certificate store path must begin directly with the token (the percent sign). Tokens are not recognized further down in the string.

The following two types of tokens can be used. Programs based on OPC Studio search for them from top to bottom.

If the token name is not recognized, the token is replaced by an empty string (i.e. the token is removed).

Platform Differences

The default certificate store paths have very different defaults in .NET Framework and .NET 6+.

In .NET Framework, the default certificate stores paths are "shared"; that is, by default, all applications developed with OPC Studio share the same certificate stores, which are system-wide.

In .NET 6+, the default certificate stores paths are all in directories that are located under the current working directory of the application.

In .NET Framework

When you develop an application with OPC Studio and target .NET Framework, or you are running an OPC Studio application that is based on .NET Framework, the default directory certificate store paths all start with the %CommonApplicationData% token, which on Windows typically resolves to something like "C:\ProgramData" (this is independent of whether your development target is .NET Framework or .NET 6+). Note: On Linux, the %CommonApplicationData% token typically resolves to "/usr/share", but that would only be of interest in .NET 6+ (see below), if you change the default store paths values.

In a default Windows installation, the "C:\ProgramData" directory exists, but it is hidden. You need to use appropriate setting or tool in order to be able to inspect the contents of hidden directories.

Example: The default application certificate store path is specified as "%CommonApplicationData%\OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\MachineDefault", and on Windows, it may resolve to "C:\ProgramData\OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\MachineDefault" (note that the "C:\ProgramData" folder is hidden).

In .NET 6+

When you develop and application with OPC Studio and target .NET 6+, or you are running an OPC Studio application that is based on .NET 6+, the default directory certificate store paths all start with the %LocalFolder% token, which on resolves to the current working directory of the application.

Example: The default application certificate store path is specified as "LocalFolder/OPC Foundation/CertificateStores/MachineDefault". You will therefore have an "OPC Foundation" sub-directory in your current working directory, and a structure of the certificate stores below it.

Make sure you secure the directory certificate stores properly. This caution is particularly relevant with the default .NET 6+ settings, because you may end up with multiple certificate stores (directories) to be secured, not just the common "shared" one. Also note that the absence of the "shared" and commonly used certificate stores prevents certain inter-application cooperation scenarios from working, such as the practice that the OPC UA application stores its own application certificate to the trusted peers certificate store on the same machine, to make it easier for local connections to be established "out of the box".

Minimal Certificate Store Contents

For illustration, "minimal" directory certificate stores containing certificates for a single OPC UA application will typically look like this:

OPC Foundation
                <name and thumbprint>.der
                <name and thumbprint>.pfx
        UA Applications
                <name and thumbprint>.der
See Also

Examples - OPC UA Administration